Podcast Episode Five: How to Better Support the Needs of Communities in Rural Areas


Focus on Fin Ed: The Policy Convenings Podcast - Episode Five

In order for financial education to be effective, interventions must take into account the diversity of communities across our country. Host Raven Newberry interviews Chrystel Cornelius, President and CEO of Oweesta Corporation, on how the conversations that happened during the policy convening event can evolve into logical next steps for communities to implement.

Topics we cover in this episode

  • An overview of the convening’s overarching question and the feedback from participants.
  • The diversity of rural communities and the need for customization.
  • The array of options and pathways to education beyond high school
  • The role educators need to play in respecting cultures.
  • Why “trusted touchpoints” are an effective tool in rural communities.

On key takeaways from the convening…

"Individuals really are interested in looking and understanding what cultural dynamics or barriers could be in respective communities.” [3:34]

On advice for rural communities to accentuate their unique attributes…

"To work well in any community is to understand the uniqueness. Every community has its own culture, so how do you respect that and how do you take the strengths and build upon that?” [6:20]

On the need to break down institutional barriers for cultural purposes…

“Your community will actually teach you along this measure every year, every second of every day, as long as you are open to looking at it.” [17:39]

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