Trends in Innovation and Impact

collage of photos of collaborative work at FEI&I summit

The Year Ahead for Financial Education in 2024

At the 2022 Financial Education Innovation & Impact (FEI&I) Summit, NEFE articulated Access, Quality, and Impact as the key guiding principles for cross-disciplinary and cross-sector collaboration to enhance the field of financial education.

Our industry continues to evolve, and the potential has emerged for even greater advancement in the financial well-being of individuals, families and communities. NEFE’s role as a centralizing voice and champion of effective financial education motivates us to articulate the opportunities present for the field’s next chapter, and to call the field to act together toward transformative change.

To that end, we have synthesized themes from the 2022 FEI&I Summit into an outline for the field to inform our work over the next several years.

Read the rest of our Financial Education Innovation & Impact road map to the 2024 FEI&I Summit.

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