

What does the research say is effective in financial education programming and where can legislative dollars best be spent? (February 4, 2021)

In the first seven months of 2021, six states—Arkansas, Hawaii, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island and Texas—passed legislation adding financial education to their high school curriculum. These states joined seven others that already have passed such legislation. While a major achievement, passing legislation is just the beginning in ensuring that all young people have equitable access to high quality personal financial education. From identifying how and where to fit personal finance into a crowded curriculum, to understanding how to reach overlooked populations, states must grapple with the fact that a “one-size-fits-all” approach does not work. So, how does a state identify programs with the best “bang for their buck” when deciding how to implement personal finance programs that deliver education equitably? This event focused on highlighting the evidence that can inform policy and practice as participants grappled with these questions.

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