Introducing Chloe B. McKenzie – NEFE’s 2022 Visiting Scholar

Chloe B. McKenzie, NEFE’s 2022 visiting scholar

NEFE is excited to announce our 2022 visiting scholar, Chloe B. McKenzie. Chloe brings tremendous professional and personal experiences to the field of financial well-being. She has dedicated her research to examining and reforming financial education, specifically advocating for equity among Black women and women of color. Chloe has been a proactive voice pushing the financial education community to address its flaws and customize solutions to better serve all people, and we are honored to partner with her on a series of papers throughout the year. For each paper, NEFE will present a companion piece connecting Chloe’s voice and research to the field with an eye toward recommended action and growth.

As champions of quality financial education, NEFE believes wholeheartedly in the positive impact of financial education. Yet, we also recognize if financial education isn’t working for all, it isn’t working. We see it as our responsibility as an organization and leader in the field to address our systemically biased foundations and to elevate voices that have been silenced for too long. We invite you to listen with intent. Collectively, we can evolve and transform the financial education field to better serve all people on their paths toward financial well-being and financial freedom.

Chloe's Papers

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